ni aku nak bebel ckit la. pasal air asia X kena sama oleh Austalian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). ni semuanya pasal hidden fares yang sangat digemari oleh air asia.
pasal ACCC ni aku mmg agree. sbb kat australia ada badan yang jaga hak2 pengguna. mana tak nyer, quote harge AS$ 99, tp alih2 at the end jadi lebih mahal. mcm2 new fares yang akan kluar kat screen. dan akan jadi lebih mahal. so ramai customer yang "tergoda" dgn the so called "low fares" yang sebenarnya langsung tak low.
kau australia tu untung la, ada ACCC jaga hal mcm ni. kat Malaysia ni mcm mana? sia sia kena kencing dek tony tuh. bagi aku, apa2 pasal air asia aku x caya harga yang di offer oleh air asia ni melainkan dah end of booking process. aku lebih rela bayar lebih ckit utk naik MAS atau airline lain. sorry la, aku mmg anti ngan air asia nih.
aku bagi contoh lah kan, aku pernah wat booking kat jetstar asia dan jugak tiger air. bukan nak puji negara luar and x support benda local, tp ini kenyataan. bila bbuat booking dgn jetstar untuk sektor Kuala Lumpur - Singapore, dia quotekan harga as all inclusive rm51. rm51 tu sebenarnya adalah airport tax (masa tu). so bila buat booking dgn jelas dia bgtau it's actually zero fares, tp cuma bayar rm51 utk airport fee. so kt dgn senang tgk availability of flights pastu harga2 inclusive semua. siap ada column kat tepi nak add on apa2 benda kt nak (beg, makan etc). so before end of process, kt dh tau exact fares kt nak bayar. same goes to tiger air. walaupun tiger air ada additional convenience fee, tp dia siap2 harga sblm wat final booking.
bagi air asia aku cuba watv sector Kuching - Singapore booking. ye ye je quote harga murah konon nya. bila dah pilih flight semua, tgk perghhhhhhhhhhhh... aku leh nyatakan fee yang dia letak - 1. fuel surcharge - rm10, aviation levi - rm14, passanger security fee - rm19, passanger service fee - rm34. ni x masuk beg lagi, makan lagi, pilih seat lagi, berbaris lagi (ni pun kena bayar tau). so MEMANG TIDAK MURAH.
so aku agree ngan ACCC tu, berharap malaysia akan impose benda yang sama. dah banyak sgt hidden fees yg kt kena bayar. so air asia, ko tau mcm mana aku anti sgt ngan kau kan skrg. because YOU ARE NOT CHEAP.
so aku nasihatkan kalau nak g mana2 tu compare lah dulu. keberbaloian dgn airlines2 lain. x semestinya org yang claim murah tu mmg murah. tul tak??
Aku sungguh setuju. AirAsia memang tidak jujur during transcation. And tunggu sampai company ini buat business nagn US. Lagi teruklah diorang kenak kat sini.
BalasPadamhopefully org sedar ledia. compare harga b4 beli
BalasPadamStrange case of Aussie half brain approach to everything.
BalasPadamAirAsia X is a point to point airline and this is made quite clear to all travellers in plain English and advertised fares disclosed all compulsory costs ie fare, taxes, surcharge and fees. However not all Australians can read English, esp fine prints.
I think the problem is the FLY THRU facilities. For example, a PER to LGW (up till 31/3/12) fare could be mistake as a PER to LGW flight with a stop over in KUL. In reality it is a PER-KUL advertised in the 'Australian way' i.e. fare fully disclosed and a KUL-LGW advertised in a 'normal way' ie sensational low fare but add taxes and other fees. But then again no one can stop aussies from accessing fares relating to pair cities which do not involve Australia.
The online cyberspace does not discriminates, the ACCC may not understand this.
IF Air Asia is required to disclose fares offered from KUL to non Australian destinations in the 'Australia way' then ACCC is trying to extend their reach beyond their jurisdiction.
that could be a possibilty as well. many theories came up after this thing appear. Air asia's press statement was - "a minor misundestanding".